Quest:Hungry Men, Hungry Horses

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Hungry Men, Hungry Horses
Level 71
Type Solo
Starts with Gadda
Starts at Stangard
Start Region Stangard
Quest Group Eorlsmead
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I suppose it would be helpful if you brought the men their daily rations, traveller. You can see for yourself how the Men at Stangard fare when they receive their food.'


The Men of Stangard are evidently going very hungry of late, despite the small number of mouths to feed.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Cynred to gain entry to the lockhouse

Cynred can be found at the lockhouse (Stangard Jail) in Stangard.

You should appeal to Cynred for entry to the lockhouse to collect the food stores.

Cynred: 'You have been sent to give out the daily rations, have you? Help yourself and mind you do not take too much! That store is meant to last us a month.'

Objective 2

Food-stores can be found in the Stangard lock-house (Stangard Jail).

You should collect food-stores from the sacks in the lock-house.

Cynred: 'Food can be found below. Do not take too much.'

Objective 3

  • Feed horses (0/4)

Horses can be found in the stables of Stangard.

You should bring feed-pouches to the horses so that they will be fed.

This horse still seems hungry

Objective 4

The Men of Stangard can be found throughout the city.

You should bring the men their rations for the day.

Tatwine: 'Oh...thank you, stranger. I was hoping that since a new person was delivering these, perhaps there would be a bit more. But...I am grateful, nonetheless.'
Tatwine looks sadly at the meagre rations as you hand them to him
Byrnstan: 'Is this all? Curse Stanric for dooming us to starvation!'
Byrnstan is displeased with the amount of food you gave him
Wada: 'Does Stanic really think his men will follow him if this is all he feeds us? I grow hungrier every day, <name>. We wil not take it much longer....'
Wada is unhappy with his quantity of food
Athulf: 'Thank you for -- oh. There is not much there, is there? Well, thank you just the same.
'It is just that...I think this is less than what we got before Sithric came to make things better for us here.'
Athulf notes sadly that there are fewer rations than ever before

Objective 5

  • Talk to Gadda near the Mead Hall

Gadda can be found near the Mead Hall in Stangard.

You should speak with Gadda.

Gadda: 'You brought the men their rations, did you? And the horses as well, I see. It is terrible that there is not enough food to go around.
'We have always had to tighten our belts at Stangard, but things have only gotten worse since Sithric came and involved himself in every aspect of rule here.'